Who am I..?
I am listing some qualities of human beings. Judge yourself and list the qualities which suits you and try to improve
- Acquisitive: Excessively interested in acquiring money or material things or even knowledge
- Aggressiveness: Person show lot of energy and has strong impact.
- Ambivert: Person who has a balance of extrovert and introvert features in their personality
- Analytical thinker: Person who relating to or using analysis or logical reasoning. He has strong reasoning ability to sift(analysis) and weigh the facts.
- Anti-Social: Person who does not trust anyone and rarely lets people get close enough to really know him
- Argumentative: Person like to ague.
- Attentive to details: Person who has good memory and notice everything.
- Cautious: Person who careful to avoid potential problems or dangers
- Comprehensive thinker: People having light fast minds that are able to size up situations instantly. They are curious, impatient, intelligent and usually in a hurry.
- Concentration: People have ability to shut everything out of their mind and fully concentrate on one thing at a time.
- Cumulative thinker: People need all the facts before making decision. They may take longer to learn, but they will remember. They can be very creative and good in their fields.
- Curious & Investigative: Person with a quick, investigative, and exploratory thinker sizes up people and situations instantly. Get irritated by slow talkers.
- Defiance: Person who resists other's authority or bold disobedience.
- Desire for attention: People who need to be centre of attention and is always looking for ways to get noticed.
- Desire for culture: People who desire for cultural things such as travel, adventure, music and fine food.
- Desire for more physical activity: People who need physical activity such as exercise, travel or sex.
- Desire for responsibility: Person has desire to be needed by large number of people and will need to be in a leadership role
- Diplomacy: Person has ability to say things in a way that other people want to hear or skill of managing good relations
- Directness: Quality of being plain and straightforward.
- Dominant: People takes charge making people follow direction without angering them or influence over others
- Domineering: Person tends to fight for control. He takes charge, insisting people follow him.
- Dual personality: Person has trouble making decisions because the mind and heart are in conflict. Unpredictable mood swings.
- Ego strength: With self-esteem
- Emotionally withdrawn: Introvert person
- Emotionally responsive: Person is very expressive with his emotions and relates to others easily.
- Enthusiasm: Person with intense and eager enjoyment, interest, or approval
- Extravagant: Person tends to overdo things. he lacking restraint in spending money or using resources.
- Fear of Success (Achievemephobia): Often a feeling of dejection occurs near success, this person gets very close to success, then fails.
- Fear of Criticism: Anyone who has submitted to this form of fear knows the irreparable damage it does, by destroying one's ambition and the desire to achieve
- Fluidity of thought: Often a good conversationalist, speaker, or writer
- Frankness: Honest and blunt when asked opinion
- Generosity: Person will be eager to share.
- Goals: Ambition and goals in his life
- High self-esteem: Persons with confidence, ambition, ability to plan ahead, high goals, high personal expectations, and an overall good self image.
- Humor: Person with good sense of humar and can become witty.
- Imagination: person with physical imagination, gullibility, and a tendency to exaggerate the tangible aspects of life.
- Independent thinker: Person who thinks independently of what others believe
- Individulistic: Person who marked by or expressing individuality, stand out from the crowd. It indicate artistic creative expression
- Intuition: People have developed a sixth sense or psychic ability to feel situations very accurately, often before they occur.
- Irritability: People who have quality or state of being irritable. Anger is usually present.
- Jealousy: Person fears the loss of someone he loves. Can be very possessive.
- Likes variety: Person will get bored easily and needs variety in life. The physical drives are strong and deep, providing lots of energy.
- Lives for the moment: People who live for today and fail to foresee the consequences of their actions. This person's philosophies and ethics change frequently
- Low self esteem: Person failure and fears change, thus sets goals with low risk.
- Loyalty: Commitment to stand by those people or ideas that they consider worthy
- Lying: People are not trustworthy.
- Manual dexterity: person has the ability to take things apart and put them back together. Often good coordination and very mechanically minded.
- Optimism: People who always looks on the bright side of life
- Organisational ability: People who arranged or structured in a systematic way
- Perfectionist: Person who spends time putting everything in its place and reviews work trying to make it precise.
- Persistence: Person has the quality of not giving up when confronted with temporary setbacks. He will persist until he completes the task.
- Perversion: Person who sexual behaviour that is considered abnormal and unacceptable
- Physical frustration: Person signifies the presence of frustration in areas such as relationships, exercise, or sexual activity. Something is incomplete in his life
- Positiveness: Person makes statements with confidence and conviction. He will act like he knows the right answer even if he is not sure.
- Pride and Dignity: Person will demand respect and expect you to treat them with dignity.
- Procrastination: Persons put off until tomorrow what could have been done today.. Factor of laziness.
- Resentment: Person is harbouring anger, or hate toward something or someone.
- Sarcasm: Sarcasm is forming a dual meaning to whatever is said and is often mixed with humour. Sarcastic people have a sharp tongue that can hurt other's feelings.
- Secretive: Person will try to avoid giving you a complete answer.
- Selective Listener: Person with closed-minded. This person can tune other people out. He has his own ideas and will only agree with you if you agree with him.
- Self castigation: Person tends to be critical and sarcastic of himself.
- Self conscious: Person has a fear of being ridiculed and tends to worry what others might think when around strangers.
- Self control: Person is ability to control himself, in particular one's emotions and desires, especially in difficult situations
- Self deceit: Person is deceiving himself abut something that is happening to him at the moment. This person may riot be consciously aware of the things in his life that he is refusing to face.
- Self reliance & leadership: This person possesses strong leadership qualities, relies on himself, and has a great amount of inner strength.
- Socially selective: Person is very selective of whom they allow in their inner circle of friends.
- Stubborn: Stubborn people rarely admit they are wrong, and don't want to be confused with the facts after they have made up their minds.
- Surface thinker: Person is quick thinker. He tends to depend on other people's views rather than on personal investigation. He often makes decision based on other's opinions.
- Talkative: Talkative people
- Temper: Short temper people
- Tenacity: Person tends to hold on to what is his ideas or material things
- Too many irons in fire: This person feels too many projects/activities going on at one time, thus having confusion of interests.
- Will power: Person will be able to follow a set course and display strong powers of the will.
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